
Disney vs. DreamWorks movie

Long since Disney / Pixar and DreamWorks often duel with animated films they created. and they each are to release a movie like to show the similarity of detail. Here is the animated film Disney / Pixar and DreamWorks are similar has been found by Zeus.

Antz vs A Bug's Life

Antz (1998-10-02) DreamWorks

A Bug's Life(1998-11-25) Disney

Unique deed: After turning on the Disney animation studio with The Little Mermaid, Aladdin and The Lion King, Jeffrey Katzenberg but actually fired. Katzenberg vowed revenge and founded Dreamworks with Steven Spielberg and David Geffen. In ten years, Dreamworks' Shrek 2 became the third highest grossing film of all time.

The Road to El Dorado vs The Emperor's New Groove

The Road to El Dorado (2000-03-31) DreamWorks

The Emperor's New Groove (2000-12-15) Disney

 Unique: Each animal peliharan of the second film together called "darling"

Shrek vs Monsters, Inc.

Shrek (2001-05-18) DreamWorks

Monsters, Inc.(2001-11-01) Disney

Shark Tale (2004-10-01) DreamWorks

Finding Nemo (2003-05-30) Disney

Unique facts:
In 2003, a children's book author Franck Le Calvez France claims Disney stole his idea for the film Finding Nemo. Disney characters as well, which Pierrot Le Calvez Poisson Clown live in sea anemones and the loss of parents due to predators.

Additional: both its existing fish nemo


Madagascar vs The Wild

Madagascar (2005-05-27) DreamWorks

The Wild (2006-04-14) Disney

Unique Fact: You're welcome stories about wild animals that stray into the city

Flushed Away versus Ratatouille

Flushed Away (2006-11-03) DreamWorks

Ratatouille (2007-06-29) Disney

Unique facts:
Flushed Away will initially called Ratropolis, but the title was changed for fear of sounding a bit like Ratatouille


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